RPR Neighborhoods & Schools Overview
Knowing the details and selling points of a given neighborhood are key to being a well-informed agent. The Neighborhood section of RPR lets you drill down to stats and characteristics about the properties themselves, owner demographics, owner economic indicators, plus the quality of life factors such as commute times, water quality, walkability, and more. One of the top priorities for parents searching for a new home is “quality of schools.” RPR’s focus on schools lets you conduct up-to-date research on school ratings and test scores, locate up to 20 nearby home listings to a particular school, and almost instantly create high-quality property reports for your clients. RPR enables you to search for schools within 5 miles of a location; by city/state, school, or district name; and even by type of school (elementary, middle, high school, and private schools). RPR or the REALTORS Property Resource is an incredible member-only tool from the National Association of REALTORS and it allows you to create property reports, CMA’s, neighborhood reports, reporting and assessment tools for investors, commercial, property management, and more. RETI has many of RPR’s official training videos in our RPR section.
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